New Hope Ministries is a ministry of Suncreek United Methodist Church in Allen, TX that provides gently-used furniture and household items for survivors of domestic abuse, poverty or other struggles. New Hope Ministries has partnered with Mosaic to furnish many of our clients’ new homes as they build new lives free from violence. Since July 2014, New Hope has helped over 30 Mosaic survivors of human rights abuses. 

“This morning, we helped a mother and 4 of her beautiful little girls. Our team was touched by the joy of screaming little voices as the girls found their own beds and clutched their new stuffed animals. The mother was truly speechless with her new surroundings.”
-New Hope Ministries Member

We wanted to share some of our favorite photos from the most recently helped family. To view more, visit New Hope Ministries’ Flickr account.


