Ready to make a difference?

Mosaic volunteers give their time and talents to give back to survivors of human rights abuses. Volunteers are needed to help our survivors thrive as they rebuild their lives in DFW. See below to browse our volunteer opportunities and the process to become a Mosaic volunteer. 

If you have any other questions or would like to schedule a group project, please contact

Please note that Mosaic does not accept community service restitution volunteers (i.e. court-ordered volunteers).

Get Started!

All volunteers must fill out a volunteer application to get started on the volunteer process. Because of the sensitive nature of the work we do at Mosaic, all volunteers need to be thoroughly vetted and trained, and it can take up to a month for volunteers to be cleared and ready to volunteer.

After filling out the volunteer application, we will contact you about the next virtual volunteer orientation for you to attend. Virtual volunteer orientations are held once a month. Mosaic requires a criminal background check on all volunteers and interns before they begin volunteering with us.

Mosaic does not accept community service restitution volunteers (i.e. court-ordered volunteers). We gladly welcome youth volunteers, but volunteers under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times when volunteering with Mosaic. 

Volunteer Opportunities

Mosaic’s Economic Empowerment Program serves human trafficking and domestic violence survivors. Volunteers are needed in our EE program to help clients adjust to life in the United States.

Economic Empowerment Classes
Lead either a single session virtual class, or 4 week virtual classes on the following topics: Financial Literacy, Job Readiness, Leadership, Healthy eating/exercise, Job Readiness (Resume Building, Interview Skills, Effective Communication, Time Management), Financial Literacy (Budgeting, Credit & Debit, Loans, Investing, Home Buying, Car Buying ), Public Speaking. For the 4 week classes, classes meet once a week.

Job Readiness Mentorship
You can be a huge help to clients by working one-to-one with clients in our Economic Empowerment Program and help them create their resumes and cover letters, interview prep and help with their job search.

Career Introduction

As part of our Economic Empowerment Program, we are looking to provide career introduction classes to Mosaic’s clients. These classes can be both virtual or in person.

Volunteers will give introductions, and give a basic overview for clients to learn some different career fields, preferably careers that don’t require a 4-year degree.

This is an important opportunity because many Mosaic clients are not from this country and have limited knowledge about the different kinds of job opportunities. It might seem like common knowledge to us, but clients might not know that a pharmacy technician is a person who gives people medication, they usually work at grocery stores, they are trained to know what medication someone should take if they have a cold, there are classes available online for someone to receive their pharmacy technician certification, etc.

We would also like these classes to be focused on certifications and trade school, if possible. Many clients don’t have the resources to attain a 4-year degree at this point and trade school is a wonderful option for them.

Class interpretation (Spanish)
Translate the EEP classes in real-time, so that our Spanish Speaking clients don’t miss out on important information!

Host a virtual fundraiser i.e. in-kind donation drive, make a FUNdraising page for North Texas Giving Tuesday on September 23, birthday fundraisers or a friendly competition fundraiser.

Volunteers are needed across multiple programs to assist with interpretation and translation. Our highest need is Spanish, but our clients speak dozens of languages. Even if there is not a current client who speaks your language, it’s very possible that we’ll have a client who speaks that language in the future.

Host a virtual fundraiser i.e. in-kind donation drive, make a FUNdraising page for North Texas Giving Tuesday on September 23, birthday fundraisers or a friendly competition fundraiser.

Volunteers are needed to work in our legal program to provide administrative work.

Volunteers are also needed to provide interpretation/translation services with Spanish being the highest need.