The Meadows Foundation exist to assist people and institutions of Texas in improving the quality and circumstances of life for themselves and future generations. The foundation strives to exemplify to principles of its founder in addressing basic human needs by working toward the elimination of ignorance, hopelessness and suffering, protecting the environment, providing cultural enrichment, encouraging excellence and promoting understanding and cooperation among people.

Mosaic Family Services is excited to announce our $100,000 award from the Meadows Foundation to support our comprehensive shelter services for immigrant and refugee victims of domestic violence and human trafficking in the Dallas area. Funding from the Meadows Foundation has ensured that immigrant families continue to receive the services that they need to achieve self-sufficiency.

Support from the Meadows Foundation assists survivors of abuse like Paula.  “Paula” is from Guatemala. She and her husband came to the United States together. Paula was surrounded with lots of family members when she and her husband lived in Guatemala, and this protected her from her husband as he was afraid to abuse her in front of them.  When Paula came to the U.S. with her husband, her protection and support system remained in Guatemala. Her husband started showing his abusive character without any fear. He abused her physically and verbally continuously. Paula has two daughters and a son. She said that her husband collects guns and threatened to use them one day to kill her. Paula lived with her husband hoping things will change for 21 years.

Finally Paula decided to come to shelter, leaving her abusive husband.  She took with her the youngest two children. When she arrived, she was tearful when she explained her story. She didn’t want to go to court or to police department thinking that no one would believe her story. During her stay in Mosaic House, Paula was assisted in applying for a protective order and was empowered to face her abusive husband in the protective order court. Her two year protective order was granted. Paula was referred immediately to counseling and her children began play therapy.  She was also referred to get legal assistance for her immigration and family law case.  Paula got a U-Visa certification signed and started working with our legal department to apply for a U-Visa. Our attorneys represented her in the family court and she was awarded custody of her children. Paula started receiving child support. She also got assistance through crime victims’ compensation, and moved out of the shelter and started living in her own place.  Paula became a different person with lots of prospects and energy. She said one day she will start helping women who are in the same situation.

A BIG thank you to the Meadows Foundation for their continued support. We couldn’t do it without you.

For more information on the Meadows Foundation, please visit: