Elizabeth and Jack Weathersby spent two days making this bedroom into beautiful oasis for Mosaic clients.
Throughout the transition to our new shelter, the community has show tremendous support for survivors of human rights abuses in North Texas, and the media has taken notice. This morning’s Dallas Morning News features a great article by Masako Melissa Hirsch on our Adopt-a-Room campaign, through which groups decorated each of our nine bedrooms:
Judy Ferris of Carrollton and her friends chose color schemes, bought new bedding and sewed curtains for two bedrooms they’ll never inhabit.
They probably won’t ever meet the women and children who will live in them. Instead, the rooms will be home to residents of Mosaic House, the shelter run by Mosaic Family Services for survivors of human trafficking and domestic violence.
Yet when Ferris saw on Facebook last month that the shelter was moving to a new facility — an old building donated to the nonprofit and renovated to accommodate its residents — she got together some friends from her prayer group to decorate two bedrooms. They spent about $1,000 in total.
Visit their website for more.