Nishi* was overwhelmed with fear when she arrived at Mosaic House.
Only a few hours before, she had fled the house where she worked when her employer threatened her with a gun.
Nishi was a teenage when she left her home in India to take a job as a housekeeper. She arrived in the U.S. to find that the family who hired her treated her like a slave. She often worked 16 to 18 hour days cooking, cleaning, and caring for the family’s three young children. She slept on the floor, was paid less than $200 a month, and was never allowed time off. The family was also abusive to Nishi, sexually harassing her and threatening to kill her if she spoke to anyone or disobeyed. Nishi often begged to be sent back to her home in India. When she eventually fled, a neighbor helped her call the police, who referred her to Mosaic.
At Mosaic House, Nishi received food and clothing as well as a safe place to stay. She was assigned a case manager who was also from India that helped her to access medical services and referred her to meet with Mosaic’s attorneys. During her stay, Nishi was also able to attend English as Second classes offered by Mosaic’s volunteers. After several months, Nishi was able to secure a job of her choice and move in to her own apartment.
*Name changed for safety
Shelter is a vital part of the spectrum of services that Mosaic provides for survivors. Mosaic House allows women and children fleeing domestic violence or human trafficking to stay for an average of 3 months.
5K Run/Walk at 9:00 AM
Saturday, May 12, 2012
$20.00 early registration (through April 30)
$15.00 youth ages 5 – 17 (through May 10)
$25.00 registration (April 30th through May 10th)
$35.00 on race day
1 Mile at 8:30 AM
$15.00 registration (through May 10)
$15.00 on race day
Thank you again for your support.
We look forward to seeing you at Stop the Traffick!