Mosaic is dedicated to fostering a culture of inclusion, diversity, and belonging where everyone feels engaged, respected, and valued.
Mosaic serves marginalized members of our community who are disadvantaged by ongoing systems of oppression, often designated as the ‘other’:
- Documented and undocumented immigrants
- Unaccompanied minors
- Refugees and asylees
- Survivors of family violence
- Survivors of human trafficking
- People of color
- People of low education or low socioeconomic status
- People with limited English proficiency
- People with disabilities
- Native American tribes
- Military and veteran personnel and their families
- People who identify as LGBTQ+
We have a distinct advantage in serving these populations because our Board of Directors, staff, interns and volunteers all reflect and empathize with our marginalized community members.
Mosaic believes that these values are crucial to provide equitable services, individualized for our diverse neighbors, engaging them at every step to rebuild the lives of survivors and support a thriving community.
Exhibiting a great deal of range and variety that requires a deeper understanding of each person and their unique voice, perspective, and dignity.
Recognizing that every individual has different needs, so policies rebalance structures to account for disadvantages faced by minority and marginalized groups.
Ensuring that every person is given the room to thrive and a voice.
Recognizing that we don’t completely understand and are limited by our own paradigm or perspectives with respect for others and that we are aware of our implicit biases and stereotypes.
Giving the support, tools, resources, and opportunities for all Mosaic staff to enable them to be leaders and embody the principles of these values; Building an environment in which people feel that they can speak up, be heard and be acknowledged.
Committed to DEI HEALS, accepting our own actions and holding others accountable for their actions in practicing them in our work.
Acknowledging that all staff are leaders in their respective communities despite their titles or roles, we model DEI HEALS.
Recognizing that social justice embodies the work that we do and that the root causes and intersectionality of oppression and marginalization can be found in institutions and policies.
Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)
The Social Determinants of Health are conditions in the places where people reside, learn, work, and play that affect a wide range of health risks and outcomes. The distribution of power, money and other resources at the local, national and global levels affect the SDOH and are responsible for the health and social inequities we have today (CDC).
There are five (5) key areas of SDOH in which Mosaic addresses in the following ways:
- Healthcare Access and Quality
- Mosaic’s case managers assist refugees and survivors of family violence and human trafficking to access healthcare and social services.
- Mosaic’s Multicultural Mental Health Program provides counseling for individuals and families, support groups, and specialized therapies like play therapy, expressive art, and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).
- Education Access and Quality
- Mosaic’s Child Advocacy Program helps survivors access education for their children and resources for academic success.
- Mosaic’s volunteers help with English as a Second Language (ESL) classes at the Mosaic Transitional House.
- Mosaic taps into other community resources to provide ESL classes for non-residential clients.
- Social and Community Context
- Mosaic’s various programs provide education and outreach on family violence, human trafficking, and substance abuse prevention.
- Mosaic Youth Services provides life skills training for youth in grades 1-12 and educates community members on social and emotional learning strategies to improve family and community relationships.
- Economic Stability
- Mosaic’s Social Adjustment Services program connects resettled refugees to healthcare services which promotes healthier lifestyles and long term economic stability. Refugee Case Managers are the bridge for refugees to community resources in housing programs, financial assistance, and educational services that help families adjust and empower themselves in self-sufficiency.
- Mosaic’s Economic Empowerment Program connects family violence and trafficking survivors to educational and employment opportunities with assistance in job search, job application, resume writing, and interview preparation. Survivors can access life skills classes year-round focusing on financial literacy, and healthy living who would like more in-depth, one-on-one coaching.
- Mosaic’s Transitional Housing Program provides safe and stable housing opportunities combined with wrap-around supportive services to offer survivors the time to work through any barriers they may face in gaining stability and independence. While in transitional housing, survivors have the opportunity to save and secure their own safe and affordable permanent housing without having to worry about the added financial stressors of starting over.
- Neighborhood and Built Environment
- Mosaic provides emergency shelter for survivors of family violence and human trafficking so that they have a safe space without fear of retribution or further victimization. Our shelter houses a daycare, an in-house counselor, a multipurpose room for classes or group therapy, and two kitchens that are used to make cultural home-cooked meals.
- Mosaic’s Home Study Post-Release case managers provide oversight of families who sponsor unaccompanied minors and ensure that they are safe and well-taken care of.
- Healthcare Access and Quality
(Source: CDC,, WHO,