Freedom Partners
Partnerships make our work possible. Advocating and serving survivors is challenging work, and we could not do it without the support of our community and partners.
At Mosaic, we recognize that anyone can be subjected to human rights abuse, and many people within our community are survivors. By partnering with Mosaic, organizations demonstrate their ongoing commitment to survivors from all over the world and within our own neighborhoods.
We are proud to be supported by many wonderful organizations that are dedicated to protecting human rights for all. These organizations provide financial support for our programs, volunteer hours and in-kind donations and services to help further our mission.
Interested in becoming a Mosaic Partner? Contact our Development Director, Momtaz Begum at
Community Circle
Anyone who has worked in the nonprofit world will tell you: partnerships make organizations stronger!
We are in awe of the amazing nonprofit organizations in DFW working to create positive change in our community. Organizations in our community circle work with Mosaic to provide additional services, supplies and resources to our clients to help them thrive.
Interested in joining our community circle? Contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Katie Jenkins at