For Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Mosaic has teamed up with a talented team of artists who have donated their time and talents to helping us spread awareness about labor trafficking. These artists have created two graphic novels which demonstrate common scenarios in which people become victims of labor trafficking, which are based on actual experiences of Mosaic clients.
Thank you to artist Shreyas Krishnan for creating this graphic novel. To view more of Shreyas’ work, visit her portfolio:

Key Points in the Case:
- The Indian workers had to sell their homes and other valuables to pay fees set by the recruiters for the opportunity to work in America. Under U.S. law this practice is illegal.
2. The welders were recruited to work based on lies, and remained at their jobs because of abuse and threats.
3. The Indian workers are in the United States under H2B visas. The worker’s visa status is directly impacted by their employment status. If they leave their job they will immediately lose their visa and ability to work and live in the United States.
4. With the help of Mosaic’s attorneys, the welders were able to obtain a T Visa. A T visa is a temporary visa that allows trafficking victims to remain in the United States and obtain work authorization if they comply with law enforcement in the investigation and prosecution of their trafficker.