Screen Shot 2015-02-17 at 10.19.57 AMUTD International Justice Mission is a group of exceptional and altruistic students from UT Dallas. Every few weeks the UTD International Justice Mission volunteers at our Mosaic House by completing maintenance projects, cleaning, and helping us organize the shelter. The UTD International Justice Mission is one of our favorite group of volunteers because they are willing to take time away from their studies in order to better serve the needs of survivors of human rights abuses. Thank you UTD International Justice Mission for all you do and congratulations on being named one of our Volunteers of the Month. We were lucky enough to sit down with this amazing group and find out more about UTD International Justice Mission:

How does International Justice Mission like to help those in need?

IJM: International Justice Mission likes to volunteer with shelters and organizations that provide aid to people who have experienced true injustice.

What makes your organization unique from other non-profits or similar organizations?

IJM: While our organization’s broad focus is justice, our chapter has a special focus on human trafficking awareness and aiding trafficking victims.

Why did your organization want to partner with Mosaic?

IJM: We wanted to partner with Mosaic because of its focus on helping victims of human trafficking and domestic abuse.

What do you hope you work at Mosaic House will bring Mosaic clients?

IJM: We hope that our work with Mosaic House will help clients feel valued and loved by outside members of their local community.

How do you think International Justice Mission and Mosaic Family Services work towards the same goal?

IJM: We believe that UTD Interantional Justice Mission and Mosaic work well together because we are both working toward victim healing and recovery.

To learn more about UTD International Justice Missions, please visit their Facebook page or send them an email at